主要是 ADS 作业题 & 考试题,(multi)
表示 “题目表示多选” 。
判断 / 选择题答案在每题对应部分的最后,截图中的答案有概率错误;最后给的答案几经周转其实也不能说一定正确,请自主甄别。
Jianjun Zhou's Notebook 中出现的题目大概率不会再出现在此处(除非我对题解有新的想法 / 我觉得这道题不错 / 我这道题错了
) 。
I AVL Tree¶
[!TIP] AVL tree 节点数与树高的关系,下面以空树高 0 为例子:
- 最大节点数 N(h) 当然是满二叉树情况下出现,为 \(N(h) = 2^{h}-1\);
- 最小节点数 n(h) 有递推式: \(n(h) = n(h-1)+n(h-2)+1\); n(0)=0, n(1)=1
I.1 判断题 ¶
Every subtree of an AVL tree is also an AVL tree.
Consider an AVL tree. Immediately after we insert a node (without restoring the tree balance), the parent of the newly inserted node may become imbalanced.
假设一下 the parent of the newly inserted node 原来有 0/1 个子节点,都不可能 imbalanced 。
4 是 trouble maker,1 是 trouble finder。
I.2 选择题 ¶
(multi) Suppose that immediately after we delete a node from an AVL tree (without restoring the tree balance), some node u becomes imbalanced. Let T be the subtree rooted at u. How will the height of T change after we rebalance u? (Note that the root of T changes after rebalancing.)
A.increases by 1 ; B.does not change ; C.decreases by 1 ;
理解 "Let T be the subtree rooted at u" 是(让 T 是以 u 为根的子树,即 u 本身在 T 中即可
Consider an AVL tree of height 5. Which of the followings are the possible number of nodes in this tree? We assume that the height of a single node is 1.
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.35
见开头的 tip ,后面几题类似。
If the depth of an AVL tree is 6 (the depth of an empty tree is defined to be -1), then the minimum possible number of nodes in this tree is:
A.13 ; B.17 ; C.20 ; D.33
If there are 21 nodes in an AVL tree, then the maximum depth of the tree is __. The depth of an empty tree is defined to be 0.
A.6 ; B.4 ; C.7 ; D.5
按照之前的结论反向推理:AVL 树要高 x,至少要 y 个节点。当然,要注意树深度的定义。
要高 6,至少 20 个节点;要高 7,至少 33 节点。
For the result of accessing the keys 3, 9, 1, 5 in order in the splay tree in the following figure, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A. 5 is the root ; B. 1 and 9 are siblings ;
C. 6 and 10 are siblings ; D. 3 is the parent of 4
这个图真太难画了,把握时间吧,这里借 Jianjun Zhou's Notebook 的图:
II Splay Tree & Amortize¶
[!NOTE] 摊还分析(势能法)
- 开销大的操作应当倾向让势能降,开销小的操作应当倾向让势能升;
- 势能高倾向于让某些操作开销大,势能低倾向于让某些操作开销小;
- Φ(final) >= Φ(initial);
worst-case bound >= amortized bound >= average-case bound
II.1 判断题 ¶
Let T be a BST. If we perform a splay operation on the node with the minimum key, then the root of the resulting tree has no left child.
在 splay tree 中,最小值被 splay 时,作为根节点,自然没有左节点。
Suppose that the insertion operation of some data structure has a worst-case cost of Θ(n) and an amortized cost of \(O(\log n)\). Starting with the empty structure, if we perform m insertion operations consecutively, the total cost may be as large as Θ(\(m^2\)).
The height of a splay tree with n nodes can be as large as Θ(n).
例如连续插入 123456789 到一个空树中。
Suppose we have a potential function Φ such that for all Φ(Di)≥Φ(D0) for all i, but \(Φ(D0)\neq0\). Then there exists a potential Φ′ such that Φ′(D0)=0, Φ′(Di)≥0 for all i≥1, and the amortized costs using Φ′ are the same as the amortized costs using Φ.
II.2 选择题 ¶
连续插入递增 / 减数列,splay tree 会成一条链表。
前面也提到了,splay tree 最坏的高度可以是 h = n,而 findkey(4) 在第二次之后一定是 O(1) 时间,故总共 O(n+m)
(multi) Consider the dynamic array given in class. Which of the following potential functions will yield an amortized cost of O(1) for insertion? Select all the potential functions that work. To be rigorous, you may multiply all the following functions by a constant that is large enough. (Hint: recall that a good potential function must satisfy two certain conditions.)
动态数组是说:起初数组大小为 1;当数组被填满后,将数组中的所有内容拷贝到另一个、大小为双倍的数组中。
故选择 E (题目说的多选😇)
同样画出图来就好,刚好是一颗完美二叉搜索树,可以用 Splay Tree Visualzation ( 模拟。
When doing amortized analysis, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Aggregate analysis shows that for all n, a sequence of n operations takes worst-case time T(n) in total. Then the amortized cost per operation is therefore T(n)/n
B. For potential method, a good potential function should always assume its maximum at the start of the sequence
C. For accounting method, when an operation's amortized cost exceeds its actual cost, we save the difference as credit to pay for later operations whose amortized cost is less than their actual cost
D. The difference between aggregate analysis and accounting method is that the later one assumes that the amortized costs of the operations may differ from each other
势能函数 \(\Phi(x) \geq \Phi(initial)\) ,即在开始时应当是最小的;其它是对的,平时关注较少,稍加注意。
因为从 A 中 pop 和 push B,所以 \(\Phi = 2|S_{A}|\) (没有验证,但是知道 A 是错误的)
III Rad Black Tree¶
[!NOTE] Properties of RBTree
- Every node is either red or black.
- The root is black.
- Every leaf (
) is black.- if a node is red, then both its children are black.
- For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.
- 红黑树不存在只有一个非叶子节点的红色节点。
- 一个度为 1 的节点,它本身一定是黑色的,且它唯一的孩子一定是红色的。
- 一个有 N 个内部节点(不包括 NIL)的红黑树,其最大高度为 \(2\log_{2}(N+1)\)。
节点被一个红色节点置换并不会改变一颗红黑树的黑高。- 红色节点不能相邻(因为红色节点子节点只能是黑色)
如果没理解的可以看 Deletion in RB Tree,总结如下:
先视为正常的二叉树删除:如果被删除的点有两个子节点,则找到直接(前驱 / 后驱
红色虚线框中,s 表示被删除的黑色节点的兄弟(sibling
III.1 判断题 ¶
The number of nodes, including the external nodes (NIL), in a red black tree must be odd.
算上 NIL ,红黑树一定是满二叉树(Full Binary Tree
Consider a node u of a Red-black tree in extended version. Let \(h_{L}\) and \(h_{R}\) be the height of the left and right subtrees of u, respectively. (We assume that the height of a single node is 1.) We have \(\frac{1}{2}\leq\frac{h_{L}}{h_{R}}\leq2.\)
III.2 选择题 ¶
(multi) Let u be an internal node in a red black tree. Suppose that one child of u is an internal node v, and the other is an external node (NIL). Which of the following statements are correct?
A.u must be red. B.u must be black.
C.v must be red. D.Both children of v are NIL
In the red-black tree that results after successively inserting the keys 41; 38; 31; 12; 19; 8 into an initially empty red-black tree, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A. 38 is the root
B. 19 and 41 are siblings, and they are both red
C. 12 and 31 are siblings, and they are both black
D. 8 is red
建议还是手绘一遍,如果结果不对看 RB 树模拟 找原因;依旧是借用 Jianjun Zhou's Notebook 的图:
IV Bplus Tree¶
[!NOTE] property of B+ Tree
- The root is either a leaf or has between 22 and M children.
- All nonleaf nodes (except the root) have between ⌈M/2⌉ and M children.
- All leaves are at the same depth.
- 在空间最浪费的情况下是一棵 ⌈M/2⌉ 叉树,所以 B+ 树的深度是 \(O(⌈log_{⌈M/2⌉}N⌉)\).
IV.1 判断题 ¶
Consider an insertion in a B+ tree. We may need to update some keys stored in some internal nodes even if no leaf is split during the insertion.
想要更新 internal nodes 的值 <= 叶节点的第一个值改变 <= 新插入值插入叶节点第一个值(不可能,如果插入值小于某个叶节点第一个值,就会插入到前一个叶节点中)或者叶节点分裂(不合题意
A B+ tree of order 3 is also called a 2-3 tree. Consider a 2-3 tree with 3 internal nodes. Its leaves can have a maximum number of 18 keys in total.
Is it true that the DELETE operation in a RED-BLACK tree of n nodes requires Ω(logn) rotations in the worst case?
IV.2 选择题 ¶
For a B+ tree with order M and N keys, the time complexity of find operations is \(O(\log_MN)\)
Consider a B+ tree of order M. What is the maximum number of elements that are stored in an internal node?
A.M ; B.M−1 ; C.M+1 ; D.M/2
(multi) Consider a deletion in a B+ tree. Suppose that no underflow occurs after the deletion. How many elements in the internal nodes may be updated? Select all possible answers.
A.0 ; B.1 ; C.2 ; D.>2
借 修佬的图 一用:
不难发现,对于叶节点上的每个值,在内部节点中至多出现一次;在不发生 underflow 的条件下,如果删除的是上面黑色的节点,内部节点不会更新;如果删除其他节点,则对应值所在节点更新,至多更新一次。
Insert 3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 2, 6, 8, 7, 0 into an initially empty 2-3 tree (with splitting). Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A. 7 and 8 are in the same node
B. the parent of the node containing 5 has 3 children
C. the first key stored in the root is 6
D. there are 5 leaf nodes
一样的,学会手绘;我们学习的 B+ tree 和网上似乎有所不同,不建议使用网上的模拟。
Which of the following statements concerning a B+ tree of order M is TRUE?
A. the root always has between 2 and M children
B. not all leaves are at the same depth
C. leaves and nonleaf nodes have some key values in common
D. all nonleaf nodes have between ⌈M/2⌉ and M children
V Leftist Heap¶
V.1 判断题 ¶
In the leftist heap, the null path length of the right path will be less than or equal to the null path length of any other path originating from the root.
right path 是最短的。
A binary heap must be a leftist heap.
V.2 选择题 ¶
左式堆的合并,如果是选择判断,可能 迭代式 的演示图更方便理解,例如 Leftist tree - Wikipedia:
题目来自 Jianjun Zhou's Notebook ,在 losningsforslag-ukeoppgave8.pdf ( 的 Exercise 2 找到了过程,the worst case time complexity is O(N).
VI Skew Heap¶
\(T_{amortized} = O(log N)\)
迭代式合并 Skew heap 也适用,参考 Skew heap - Wikipedia 。
VI.1 判断题 ¶
The result of inserting keys 1 to \(2^k−1\) for any k > 4 in order into an initially empty skew heap is always a full binary tree.
解释来自 Lecture 4 | Leftist Heap & Skew Heap - Isshiki 修 's Notebook
对于一个满二叉树,我们现在要插入一个数,显然这个数比树里任何一个都要大。而当这个数被插入后,它成为整个堆,或者说整个树最左侧的一条。而在接下来的交换过程中,它会不断被甩来甩去,最终经过 2^k 次后被甩到最右边,也就是迎接它的第一个孩子。显然,对于该层的所有节点来说都需要 2^k 次才会进入到最右侧路径。
(这个过程可以类比二进制数的自增,你可以根据这个节点的每个前驱分别是左孩子还是右孩子来分配对应的位子是 0
还是 1
For a skewed heap with n nodes, the number of nodes on its right path must be O(logn).
对于 skewed heap,其以 light node 为根的子树可以看作是一个 leftist heap ,满足题设;但是对于 heavy node ,则不然。
The worst-case running time of Insert operation is for skew heaps
VI.2 选择题 ¶
Merge the two skew heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A. 15 is the right child of 8 ; B. 14 is the right child of 6
C. 1 is the root ; D. 9 is the right child of 3
skew heap 练习手绘过程,结果如下:
VII Binomial Queue¶
Fibonacci Heaps or "How to invent an extremely clever data structure" - YouTube 是一个很好的讲解 Fibonacci Queue 的视频,其中也提到了 binomial queue。
- 森林中的树具有堆性质,且不存在两颗相同的树(如果存在,则合并
) ; - 每颗树的节点数为 \(2^k\) ,称为 k 阶二项树 \(B_{k}\);
- \(B_{k}\) 的根的子节点数为 k,且依次为 \(B_{k-1}, B_{k-2} \dots B_{0}\);
- \(B_{K}\) 每一层节点数量为二项式展开系数。
对于合并,理论比较简单,实现起来还是有些绕的,见 Lecture 5 | Binomial Queue
VII.1 判断题 ¶
To implement a binomial queue, the subtrees of a binomial tree are linked in increasing sizes.
子树之间使用 NextSibling 链接,但是 PPT 上是这样的……
VII.2 选择题 ¶
没看懂怎么建堆然后删除 4 的,做出来的人和我说“先把 4 删了再建堆不就好了”;有道理,但如果真是这样的话这题也是该似了。
VIII Inverted File Index¶
[!NOTE] 分布式策略
[!NOTE] 评估标准
\(\begin{aligned}&1.Precision\text{(准确率)}:\quad P=R_R/(R_R+I_R)\\&\text{准确率表示在搜索到的信息中,相关的(用户想要的)信息的占比。}\\&2.Recall\text{(召回率)}:R=R_R/(R_R+R_N)\\&\text{召回率表示在相关的(用户想要的)信息中,搜索到的占比。}\end{aligned}\)
VIII.1 判断题 ¶
In distributed indexing, document-partitioned strategy is to store on each node all the documents that contain the terms in a certain range.
When evaluating the performance of data retrieval, it is important to measure the relevancy of the answer set.
Precision is more important than recall when evaluating the explosive detection in airport security.
接下来是系列题 不建议纠缠,意义不大,凭感觉吧。
While accessing a term by hashing in an inverted file index, range searches are expensive.
While accessing a term by hashing in an inverted file index, range searches are inexpensive.
While accessing a term stored in a B+ tree in an inverted file index, range searchings are expensive
IX Backtracing¶
IX.1 判断题 ¶
Reall that in class we solved the "good path" problem using dfs + pruning. Note that this problem can also be solved by bfs + pruning. For any instance, dfs + prunning is at least as fast as bfs + pruning. (Hint: consider a case where leaves may have different depth.)
看看 leftist tree.
- It is guaranteed that an exhaustive search can always find the solution in finite time.
In a Turnpike Reconstruction Problem, given distance set D = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 } ,(x1,…, x4) = (0, 1, 4, 6) is the only solution provided that x1 = 0.
IX.2 选择题 ¶
X Greedy Algothrim¶
X.1 判断题 ¶
Let S be the set of activities in Activity Selection Problem. Then the earliest finish activity am must be included in all the maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of S.
Consider the data compression problem we discussed in the class this week. The optimal Σ-tree must be full. That is, every internal node of the tree must have two children.
Greedy algorithm works only if the local optimum is equal to the global optimum.
X.2 选择题 ¶
可能有的人有些误解:频率最高的那个字 / 词一定是用一个 bit 编码的。
但是不然。以频率最高为 0.4 为例:如果前面的合并过程中,有一个合并后的父节点频率为 [0.4, 0.6)
,即确保除这两个占大头外,还有一些字母可以被合并;那么 0.4 的字母都可能使用两个及以上的 bit 编码。
判断使用一位 bit 编码的条件:
- 频率最高,记作 \(f_0\);
- 若频率第二高者为 \(f_{1}\),则有 \(1-f_{0}-f_{1} \leq f_{0}\);因为只有这样,在 \(f_{0}\) 被合并之前,只有一个其他所有频率合并而成的聚合体,\(f_{0}\) 自然就可以 1bit 编码了。
因为取 max,我们希望每个都不要太大,所以早结束的早开始干(怎么这么像我赶 ddl 的样子
XI Divide and Conquer¶
Master Theorems
形式一: $$ \begin{aligned}&\text{对于形如 }T(N)=aT(N/b)+f(N)\text{ 的递推式}:\&1.\text{ 若 }f(N)=O(N^{(\log_ba)-\varepsilon}),\text{ for }\varepsilon>0,\text{ 那么 }T(N)=\Theta(N^{\log_ba});\&2.\text{ 若 }f(N)=\Theta(N^{\log_ba}),\text{ 那么 }T(N)=\Theta(N^{\log_ba}\log N);\&3.\text{ 若 }f(N)=\Omega(N^{(\log_ba)+\varepsilon}),\text{ for }\varepsilon>0\text{ 且 }af(\frac Nb)<cf(N),\&\text{ for }c<1\text{ and }\forall N> N_0,\text{ 那么 }T(N)=\Theta(f(N));\end{aligned} $$
k 与 1 的关系表示了 \(af\left( \frac{N}{b} \right) 与 f(N)\) 之间的相对关系,表明了谁是“主”导,而且好记。
XI.1 判断题 ¶
The asymptotic upper bound for the recurrence T(n) = 2T(⌊n/2⌋ + 17) + n is T(n) = O(n log n).
别管什么向下和内部常数了,n 很大的时候可以忽视。
XI.2 选择题 ¶
不难得到最后 AB best, C => \(O(N^{\log_{2}3})\) ; D => \(O(N\log^2N)\) ;如何比较 CD?取商极限。
recurrence relation - How to solve T(n)=2T(√n)+log n with the master theorem?
\(T(n)=T(n^{1/k})+\log m = \log n \sum_{i=0}^{\log \log n}\frac{1}{k^i}\)
XII Dynamic Programming¶
XII.1 判断题 ¶
In dynamic programming algorithms, some results of subproblems have to be stored even they do not compose the optimal solution of a larger problem.
k 表示只考虑前 k 个节点得到的最短路。
XII.2 选择题 ¶
题目选项不难(D 处应该为 \(R_{N-i}\)
显然 j 从大到小推导。
只能说 ABD 肯定对的,C 不会。