

I Introduction


I.1 Trigger

  • Level-triggered/sensitive
    • Output controlled by the level of the clock input.
  • Edge-triggered/sensitive
    • Output changes only at the point in time when the clock changes from value to the other.
    • Can be positive-edge triggered (0 to 1), or negative-edge triggered (1 to 0).

Flip-flops(触发器) are edge-triggered while clocked (gated) latches(锁存器) are level-sensitive.

I.2 Implement


I.3 Types of Sequential Circuits



II Analysis

II.1 Finite State Machine


Finite state machine (FSM) is a generic model for sequential circuits used in sequential circuit design

II.1.1 State Diagram


II.1.2 State Table


II.2 Basic Analysis Procedure

The analysis consists of obtaining a suitable description that demonstrates the time sequence of inputs, outputs, and states.


II.2.1 example






如何使用 FSM 判断一个二进制数能否被 3 整除?相融关系 R 的迭代算法 Example

III Basic sequential logic elements

\[Bistable-circuits \begin{cases}Latches \\ Flip-Flops\end{cases}\]

III.1 Latch


双稳态电路(Bistable Circuit)是一种电子电路,它具有两个稳定的状态,并且可以在没有外部影响的情况下无限期地保持在这两个状态之一,直到被触发以改变到另一个状态。双稳态电路在数字电子学中是基本组件,用于存储二进制信息。这两个稳定的状态通常对应于逻辑电平“0”和“1”,在计算和数字通信系统中用作二进制数字。

III.1.1 simple one

下面是最为简单的双稳态电路,该电路没有输入,有两个输出 \(Q\quad\overline{Q}\) |500 没有输入也就意味着不能够控制该电路


III.1.2 SR Latch


SR Latch:这是最简单的双稳态电路之一,使用 NAND NOR 门创建两个稳定状态“设置”(Set)和“重置”(Reset|500

III.1.2.1 analysis


III.1.2.2 summery
III. SR Latch with NOR Gates

III. \(\overline{SR}\) Latch with NAND Gates

III.1.2.3 SR Latch with Control Input

III.1.3 Latch

SR Latch with NOR Gates 中,我们发现不应该出现 \(\begin{cases}S = 1 \\ R = 1\end{cases}\) 的情况,而 \(\begin{cases}S = 0 \\ R = 0\end{cases}\) 的情况可以被取代,所以我们直接将一个输入(D,data)取其本身和取非即可,再使用输入 C 进行控制,就形成了 D latch

III.1.3.1 The Latch Timing Problem

III.2 Flip-Flop

III.2.1 Flip-Flop

III.2.1.1 Implement

也就是说一定要 C 取 1 后再取 0 信号才能顺利传递;可以看到信号向右传是在 C 由 1 变为 0 的时候发生的,也就是说这是 下降沿触发的 (negative-edge triggered flip-flop)



在最开始的输入 C 取反即可 用 D latch 替换掉 SR latch,触发器就如下: 无疑这是一个上升沿触发型,我们来看看仿真波形图 可以看到 Q 的改变发生在两个条件下: - 时钟上升沿 - D 的值发生了变化 [!ABSTRACT]

输出只在时钟边沿处根据输入进行 更新

III. Latch vs. D Flip-Flop

我们在前面就已经谈到了二者的区别 Trigger 我们可以通过仿真波形图来比较直观地对比二者


III. problem

当然依旧存在 问题: - 延迟高,电路效率低 - (没太搞懂) 解决 办法: 使用 edge-triggering flip-flop

III.2.1.2 Enabled D Flip-Flop

III.2.1.3 Resettable D Flip-Flop

III.2.2 JK Flip-Flop

III.2.2.1 Implement


To avoid 1’s catching behavior, one solution used is to use an edge-triggered D as the core of the flip-flop

III.2.3 T Flip-Flop

IV Sequential logic design

IV.1 Some definitions

IV.1.1 Equivalent State

  • Two states are equivalent if their response for each possible input sequence is an identical output sequence.
  • Alternatively, two states are equivalent if their outputs produced for each input symbol is identical and their next states for each input symbol are the same or equivalent.



IV.1.1.1 example

IV.1.2 Moore and Mealy Models

在上面的 Introduction 中我们简单介绍了 Moore and Mealy Models,下面是其一对例子: 在 Moore 中,输出只受当前状态影响,但是下一状态还是可以受到输入的影响

IV.2 The design procedure

这里 都直接跳过了,期末再来复习罢

V Classic sequential logic elements

V.1 Registers

V.1.1 Basic introduction



V.1.1.1 2-bit Register

V.1.1.2 4-Bit Register: Clock Gating

V.1.2 Registers in the digital system

V.1.2.1 Retister Transfers


An elementary operation (such as load, count, add, subtract, and shift) performed on data stored in registers is called a microoperation .

V.1.2.2 Register Representation

来自 lec04-3 p14,为什么在 \(K_1\) 下降沿才发生 transfer

V.1.2.3 Register Transfer Structures
V. overview
  • Multiplexer-Based Transfers - Multiple inputs are selected by a multiplexer dedicated to the register, e.g.,
    • Shift registers
    • Counters
  • Bus-Based Transfers - Multiple inputs are selected by a shared multiplexer driving a bus that feeds inputs to multiple registers
  • Three-State Bus - Multiple inputs are selected by 3-state drivers with outputs connected to a bus that feeds multiple registers
  • Other Transfer Structures - Use multiple multiplexers, multiple buses, and combinations of all the above
V. Dedicated Multiplexers vs. Single Bus


V. Multiplexer Bus vs. 3-State Bus


V.1.3 Shift Registers


A register capable of shifting its stored bits laterally in one or both directions is called a shift register |475

V.1.3.1 Shift Register with Parallel Load

以第一个或门对应的电路部分为例,真值表如下(后面有时间再自己画表格): \(X_{0}\) 表示输出,Functionality 表示功能,可以看到: - hold 表示保持值不变 - parallel load 表示成功将数值直接放入对应寄存器中 - serial load 表示将上一个的数值放入对应寄存器中,从而实现了 移位 的目的


V.2 Counters

V.2.1 Basic introduction


Counters are sequential circuits which "count" through a specific state sequence. They can count up, count down, or count through other fixed sequences. All processors contain a program counter, or PC. - Programs consist of a list of instructions that are to be executed one after another (for the most part). - The PC keeps track of the instruction currently being executed. - The PC increments once on each clock cycle, and the next program instruction is then executed.

V.2.2 Ripple Counters


为什么叫行波计数器 (ripple counter)

These circuits are called ripple counters because each edge sensitive transition (positive in the example) causes a change in the next flip-flop’s state.

考虑信号变换用时,我们可以更加直观地来理解: 实验指导——分频器

V.2.3 Synchronous Counters


实现进位 / 计数的原理? [!HINT]

\(1\oplus X = \overline{X}\)

\(0 \oplus X = X\)

课堂录播 (54:27 开始 ) 一连串的与门我们需要的计数较大时产生极大的延迟,这对于计数是不利的;仿照 Shift Register with Parallel Load ,我们将 counter 写为 parallel mode

V.2.4 Other Counters

  • Divide-by-n (Modulo n) Counter
  • BCD counter with D flip-flops

    实验指导——计数器 对于 BCD 在 lec04-3 的 34 页后没看了,如果不懂了再看
